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After the Payment Links payment

Learn how to handle fulfillment and customize what happens after a Payment Links payment.

Track payments

After your customer makes a payment using a payment link, you can see it in the payments overview in the Dashboard.

If you’re new to Payske, you receive an email after your first payment. To receive emails for all successful payments, update your notification preferences in your profile settings.

Payske creates a new guest customer for one-time payments and a new Customer when selling a subscription or saving a payment method for future use.

Automatically handle fulfillment

Handle fulfillment programmatically Code required

If you’re interested in handling fulfillment programmatically using the Payske API and webhooks, learn how to fulfill orders after a customer pays.

Change confirmation behavior

After a successful payment, your customer sees a localized confirmation message thanking them for their purchase. You can customize the confirmation message or redirect to a URL of your choice. To change the confirmation behavior on a payment link, click the Confirmation page tab when creating or updating a payment link.

If you redirect your customers to your own confirmation page, you can include {CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID} in the redirect URL to dynamically pass the customer’s current Checkout Session ID. This is helpful if you want to tailor the success message on your website based on the information in the Checkout Session.

You can also add UTM codes as parameters in the query string of the payment link URL. The UTM codes are automatically added to your redirect URL when your customer completes a payment.

Send email receipts

Payske can automatically send email receipts to your customers after successful payments.

Enable this feature with the email customers for successful payments option in your email receipt settings.

You can customize the color and logo shown on your receipts in the branding settings of your Dashboard.

Post-payment invoices

You can configure Payment Links to send detailed Invoices to your customers for successful one-time payments. Payment Links for subscriptions create invoices automatically, and require no additional configuration.

Enable this feature by selecting the Create an invoice PDF checkbox in the After payment tab when creating a payment link.